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leap second 閏秒〔以原子鐘測時每年需加上或減去的一秒鐘〕。

leap year

As a result of atmospheric circulation and other geophysical events on earth , the rate of the earth s rotation is uneven and has been slowing down . difference between the two time scales arises . the purpose of introducing leap second is to reconcile the two time scales so that their difference is kept less than 0 . 9 second 然而,由于大氣運動及其他的地球物理現象,地球的自轉速度并不勻稱并正在逐漸減慢,因此天文時標和協調世界時之間會出現差異,引進閏秒的目的就是要減少兩者的分別,使其相差保持少于0

Gps , for example , does not adjust for leap seconds ? a problem made apparent in 2003 , when the length of time since the last leap second caused the clocks in some gps receivers to malfunction so that they gave the time as 62 : 28 : 15 例如全球定位系統就未加入潤秒的調校, 2003年便因此發生一次明顯的問題:在前一次潤秒后,時間的長度使得某些gps接收器內建的定時器故障,結果顯示出的時間為62 : 28 : 15 。

Although it is possible to have a negative leap second - - that is , a second deducted from coordinated universal time - - so far all have been add - ons , reflecting the earth ' s general slowing trend due to tidal braking 盡管也有實施負閏秒制(從協調世界時中扣除一秒)的可能,但迄今為止,只有加,沒有減,這說明由于受潮汐減速的影響,地球的自轉速度大體上呈減慢趨勢。

Although it is possible to have a negative leap second - that is , a second deducted from coordinated universal time - so far all have been add - ons , reflecting the earth ' s general slowing trend due to tidal braking 盡管也有實施負閏秒制從協調世界時中扣除一秒的可能,但迄今為止,只有加,沒有減,這說明由于受潮汐減速的影響,地球的自轉速度大體上呈減慢趨勢。

But under proposals to be discussed at a november meeting of the radiocommunication sector of the international telecommunication union ? the united nations agency in charge of broadcasting official time ? this leap second might be the last 但是在今年11月的會議中,聯合國負責發布標準時間的“國際電信聯盟”無線電通訊部門聲明,這也許是最后一次潤秒了。

A leap second is added to keep uniform timekeeping within 0 . 9 second of the earth ' s rotational time , which can speed up or slow down because of many factors , including ocean tides 增加這一閏秒是為了保證協調世界時(原子時)和地球自轉時間(天文時)之間的差距控制在0 . 9秒以內,地球自轉速度的加快或減慢受到很多因素的影響,潮汐就是其中之一。

A leap second is added to keep uniform timekeeping within 0 . 9 second of the earth ' s rotational time , which can speed up or slow down because of many factors , including ocean tides 增加這一閏秒是為了保證協調世界時原子時和地球自轉時間天文時之間的差距控制在0 . 9秒以內,地球自轉速度的加快或減慢受到很多因素的影響,潮汐就是其中之一。

Astronomers , historians and others are upset about the prospect of losing the leap second and have initiated a spirited debate to keep time tied to the earth ' s rotation 天文學家、歷史學家及其它許多學者,皆對于往后即將廢除潤秒感到苦惱,并且對于時間配合地球自轉的議題,展開熱烈的討論。

Scientists are delaying the start of 2006 by the first “ leap second “ in seven years , a timing tweak meant to make up for changes in the earth ' s rotation 科學家們把2006年的到來推遲了一“閏秒” 。此次全世界調時距上次已有7年時間,而調時的主要原因則是地球自轉速度的變化。

Since 1999 until recently , the two time standards have been in close enough synch to escape any need to add a leap second , nist said 該協會說,從1999年開始到最近幾年,原子時和天文時一直處于同步狀態,所以不需要增加一個閏秒。

Us scientists want to change the current system , which keeps clocks in synch with solar time by adding a leap second every 18 months or so 美國科學家希望改變現行系統,亦即透過每隔約18個月添增1閏秒,讓時鐘與太陽時保持一致。

For one , the leap second occurs in the middle of the day in asia and australia , causing a time hiccup during stock trading 其中一個是,潤秒發生在亞洲和澳洲的日間,時間會在貨運進行當下“跳針” 。

Deciding when to introduce a leap second is the responsibility of the international earth rotation and reference systems service 國際地球自轉服務組織負責決定何時加減閏秒。

Under an international pact , the preference for leap seconds is december 31 or june 30 根據國際公約,一般在12月31日或6月30日在協調世界時中加入或減去閏秒。

Leap seconds are needed because the earth ' s spin is slowing down , gradually and unevenly 潤秒之所以必要,是因為地球自轉逐漸以不規則的速度減緩。

The first leap second was added on june 30 , 1972 , according to nist 據國家標準與技術協會介紹,第一個閏秒是在1972年6月30日被加入的。

A leap second on the new year s day 7 december 2005 2006年元旦日的閏秒( 2005年12月7日)